
Hi, my name is Mandy Vaughn and if you're considering the adoption of a child, you should first read my blog about adoption attorneys. When my husband and I was going to adopt a child, my friend recommended that we hire an adoption attorney to make sure the process went smoothly. Our attorney prepared the paperwork for the adoption, which really eased my mind. Our attorney was there with us through the entire adoption process and helped us in many ways. If you are going to adopt a child, you'll learn valuable information in my blog. Since I've been through the adoption process with an attorney on my side, I wanted to share my experience with others who are also adopting.

Injured In An Auto Accident? Factors That Influence Your Compensation

21 May 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Getting injured in an auto accident can be an overwhelming time. Along with physical pain, confusion and worry can set it in. However, if you know the factors that contribute to your compensation, you can better your chances of bringing the other at-fault driver to justice:   Factors that Influence Personal Injury Compensation Police Report - When the accident occurs, you should immediately file a police report. This can be a strong piece of evidence if the case goes to trial or arbitration. Read More …

Injured By A Falling Bridge? Your Right To Sue May Be Limited

5 May 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

It's estimated that 1 out of every 10 U.S. bridges desperately need to be repaired and most people passing over and under them every day have no idea of the danger. If you're injured due to a collapsed bridge or because a piece of concrete tumbled off of one as you passed underneath, can you sue? Suing the government is always tricky. With few exceptions, bridges and overpasses are maintained by cities, counties, and states. Read More …

2 Reasons To Hire An Attorney To Help With A Slip And Fall Case

16 April 2015
 Categories: , Blog

A slip and fall case is one of the most common personal injury cases, and it usually occurs when you fall and injure yourself on someone's property, usually due to the property owner's negligence. Hiring a personal injury attorney to help you with a slip and fall case is important because he or she can help you establish fault and get the largest payout possible. Establish Fault One of the biggest ways that your attorney can help you is by establishing that the property owner was completely at fault for the accident. Read More …

Three Of The Most Inspiring Whistle Blowers

8 April 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

So, there's something seriously wrong at your workplace and you think it needs to get reported. But, you're afraid of the dangers involved with becoming a whistle blower. While there are undoubtedly risks involved in whistle blowing, history has shown that whistle blowers play an important part in society. These three inspiring whistle blowers should help give you the courage you need to perform this vital role. Cheryl Eckard Cheryl Eckard is an example of a whistle blower who actually received real rewards for her work. Read More …

International Travel With Kids After Divorce

29 March 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

After a rocky divorce, a trip overseas might be just what your kids need to get back on their feet and spend some quality time with one of their parents. Unfortunately, international travel after a divorce can be complicated. With so many cases of parent kidnapping to non-extradition countries on the books, it's important to understand the ins and outs of international travel rules for minors. Here are three big things you need to understand before your trip. Read More …

About Me
The Benefits Of Hiring An Adoption Attorney

Hi, my name is Mandy Vaughn and if you're considering the adoption of a child, you should first read my blog about adoption attorneys. When my husband and I was going to adopt a child, my friend recommended that we hire an adoption attorney to make sure the process went smoothly. Our attorney prepared the paperwork for the adoption, which really eased my mind. Our attorney was there with us through the entire adoption process and helped us in many ways. If you are going to adopt a child, you'll learn valuable information in my blog. Since I've been through the adoption process with an attorney on my side, I wanted to share my experience with others who are also adopting.
