
Hi, my name is Mandy Vaughn and if you're considering the adoption of a child, you should first read my blog about adoption attorneys. When my husband and I was going to adopt a child, my friend recommended that we hire an adoption attorney to make sure the process went smoothly. Our attorney prepared the paperwork for the adoption, which really eased my mind. Our attorney was there with us through the entire adoption process and helped us in many ways. If you are going to adopt a child, you'll learn valuable information in my blog. Since I've been through the adoption process with an attorney on my side, I wanted to share my experience with others who are also adopting.

3 Tips For Ensuring You Receive Workers’ Compensation

29 January 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you've been hurt at work, this can be a challenging time. Dealing with severe injuries and having to miss work can put you in a significant financial bind. The best way to recover from this devastating situation is by receiving workers' compensation. However, you will need to qualify for this status, and it's ideal to know specific tips that can help you do so with greater ease. Tip #1: Report the injury Read More …

Five Major Motivations For Hiring A Social Security Attorney

13 January 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you are unable to work at your job because of a medical condition, you may qualify for monthly payments from the Social Security Administration (SSA). This government agency sponsors a program for people like you called Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The claims process is well-known to be lengthy, time-consuming and confusing, however. Most people filing claims for SSDI are not healthy, and may experience many problems coping with the rules and requirements necessary. Read More …

4 Tips For Helping Your Child Deal With Divorce

23 December 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

The challenge of ending a marriage doesn't only involve the parents if you have a family. Often, divorce can be extremely difficult for children, as well. It's ideal to find effective ways to assist your kids with coping through this time as well as you possibly can. The following specific tips are important to know because they can help make this life-changing event less stressful for your kids. Tip #1: Avoid negative talk Read More …

Act Quickly If You Are Injured At Work

9 December 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you sustain an injury at work that requires medical care, you need to act quickly. In order to ensure that your medical care is covered by your employer, you are going to need to do a few things. Tell Your Employer What Happened As soon as you are injured on the job, you need to tell a supervisor what happened. You should not continue working if you are injured and need medical attention. Read More …

Child Custody: 3 Reasons A Custody Arrangement Can Be Changed

20 November 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

While custody arrangements usually have clear cut rules and expectations, life happens. While a custody arrangement may have worked in the past, there are certain times when that arrangement can be changed. Below are three such instances and how you can go about making these changes. Risk of Physical or Emotional Harm If you're concerned about the safety of your child when they're in the home of their other parent, you may be able to have the custody arrangement modified. Read More …

About Me
The Benefits Of Hiring An Adoption Attorney

Hi, my name is Mandy Vaughn and if you're considering the adoption of a child, you should first read my blog about adoption attorneys. When my husband and I was going to adopt a child, my friend recommended that we hire an adoption attorney to make sure the process went smoothly. Our attorney prepared the paperwork for the adoption, which really eased my mind. Our attorney was there with us through the entire adoption process and helped us in many ways. If you are going to adopt a child, you'll learn valuable information in my blog. Since I've been through the adoption process with an attorney on my side, I wanted to share my experience with others who are also adopting.
