The Benefits Of Hiring An Adoption Attorney

Hi, my name is Mandy Vaughn and if you're considering the adoption of a child, you should first read my blog about adoption attorneys. When my husband and I was going to adopt a child, my friend recommended that we hire an adoption attorney to make sure the process went smoothly. Our attorney prepared the paperwork for the adoption, which really eased my mind. Our attorney was there with us through the entire adoption process and helped us in many ways. If you are going to adopt a child, you'll learn valuable information in my blog. Since I've been through the adoption process with an attorney on my side, I wanted to share my experience with others who are also adopting.

International Travel With Kids After Divorce

29 March 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

After a rocky divorce, a trip overseas might be just what your kids need to get back on their feet and spend some quality time with one of their parents. Unfortunately, international travel after a divorce can be complicated. With so many cases of parent kidnapping to non-extradition countries on the books, it's important to understand the ins and outs of international travel rules for minors. Here are three big things you need to understand before your trip. Read More …

Your Workers Compensation Claim: 3 Facts You Should Know

18 March 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Have you recently suffered an injury while at work? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills and lost wages under current workers compensation laws. In order to collect these benefits, you will need to file a workers comp claim with your employer who will then pass this claim along to their insurance company. However, before you file a claim, there are a few facts that you should know. Read More …

Making Your Home Less Of A Personal Injury Risk

6 March 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Personal injury law suits are happening all the time and many of these cases occur on another person's property. In order to avoid having anyone harm themselves needlessly on your own property, there are some steps you can take to help avoid these accidents. 1. Shovel Your Snow. Snowstorms are common during three out of the four seasons. Snow can cause your walkways to become slippery, even if you can't see the ice. Read More …

Four Reasons To Seek An Increase In Child Support Payments

24 February 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you have sole custody of your children, you know better than anyone what their needs are and if any circumstantial changes have occurred. If there has been a change in your lives that require an update or review of child support, meet with your family law attorney to review your case and children's needs. Here are four indicators that might lead to child support increases. 1. Unexpected Medical Needs of a Child Read More …

How To Avoid A Business Audit

13 February 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

The idea of a tax audit, having a tax professional go over every last detail of your finances with a fine toothed comb, is frightening for anyone. It's especially frightening for business owners. After all, no matter how diligent we try to be, taxes are complicated things, and we're bound to make a few mistakes or miscalculations along the way. Fortunately, there are ways that you can reduce the risk of having your business audited in the first place. Read More …

About Me
The Benefits Of Hiring An Adoption Attorney

Hi, my name is Mandy Vaughn and if you're considering the adoption of a child, you should first read my blog about adoption attorneys. When my husband and I was going to adopt a child, my friend recommended that we hire an adoption attorney to make sure the process went smoothly. Our attorney prepared the paperwork for the adoption, which really eased my mind. Our attorney was there with us through the entire adoption process and helped us in many ways. If you are going to adopt a child, you'll learn valuable information in my blog. Since I've been through the adoption process with an attorney on my side, I wanted to share my experience with others who are also adopting.
