
Hi, my name is Mandy Vaughn and if you're considering the adoption of a child, you should first read my blog about adoption attorneys. When my husband and I was going to adopt a child, my friend recommended that we hire an adoption attorney to make sure the process went smoothly. Our attorney prepared the paperwork for the adoption, which really eased my mind. Our attorney was there with us through the entire adoption process and helped us in many ways. If you are going to adopt a child, you'll learn valuable information in my blog. Since I've been through the adoption process with an attorney on my side, I wanted to share my experience with others who are also adopting.

What To Do When The Bail Amount Doesn’t Fit The Crime

3 October 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Nobody could ever be prepared to receive a call telling that a family member or a loved one is in jail. Worse, you need a significant amount of money is needed for him to get out of jail temporarily while waiting for trial and final conviction. It does not get better when you realize that the bail amount doesn't fit the crime. Here's what to do when you get caught up in a situation like this: Read More …

Courtroom Reporters: 3 Tips For Avoiding Mistakes In The Court Room

1 February 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

As a courtroom reporter for a service like L & L Reporting Service, Inc., it is your job to record any and all proceedings that occur in the courtroom. When recording, it is crucial that this information is recorded with objectivity and accuracy, as bias and mistakes are not permitted in a job like this. This process can be very lengthy and taxing, which can easily lead to fatigue. Because of this, it can result mistakes. Read More …

Important Questions To Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer When You Have Been Bitten By A Small Dog

1 February 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

While many people might be nervous when a dog that is perceived as an aggressive breed appears in their front yard, it is easy to be charmed by the cute little terrier or chihuahua that shows up unexpectedly. However, even though it is true that the majority of dog bites that require medical care are often the result of an interaction with a pit bull, rottweiler, or similar breed of dog, smaller dogs can also inflict significant damage that frequently goes unreported. Read More …

Your Child And Getting Social Security Disability

20 December 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog

Many people are surprised to learn that children under the age of 18 may be eligible to receive Social Security disability payments. The qualifications for benefit approval for children are similar to the ones for adults: they must meet the medical and income requirements. Since children do not normally earn any income, the income of the parent or guardian is evaluated. Read on to learn more about how your disabled child might qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Read More …

5 Common Mistakes That Are Made When Filing For Divorce

8 December 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog

Filing for divorce can be scary and complicated. However, this is even more so the case if you make the following five common mistakes: Assume Your Spouse Will Agree: One of the most common mistakes that are made when filing for divorce is assuming that your spouse will agree to all the terms of the divorce. Even if you have talked about it in private with them in the past, you should never assume that they will still agree to it once you go to mediation. Read More …

About Me
The Benefits Of Hiring An Adoption Attorney

Hi, my name is Mandy Vaughn and if you're considering the adoption of a child, you should first read my blog about adoption attorneys. When my husband and I was going to adopt a child, my friend recommended that we hire an adoption attorney to make sure the process went smoothly. Our attorney prepared the paperwork for the adoption, which really eased my mind. Our attorney was there with us through the entire adoption process and helped us in many ways. If you are going to adopt a child, you'll learn valuable information in my blog. Since I've been through the adoption process with an attorney on my side, I wanted to share my experience with others who are also adopting.
