3 Tips For Getting More Child Visitation Time
For many families, the most emotionally charged and difficult aspect of a divorce is figuring out child custody and visitation. If your former spouse has primary custody and you have been awarded a certain amount of visitation time per week or month, you may find that it's simply not enough time. You want to have enough time with your child to maintain your bond instead of letting it weaken after the divorce. Here are three ideas for getting more visitation time with your child:
Make the Most of the Time You Do Have
One of the best ways to convince a judge that you deserve more time with your child is to make the most of the time you already have. Instead of focusing on the negatives of your situation, make the most of things and work to build your relationship with your child with every visit.
Bring them to their activities and actively watch and participate instead of just dropping them off. Have open, positive conversations about their life, school, friends, and any worries they have. Make meals together and try to avoid canceling your visitation time or having your child spend significant parts of it with a babysitter.
Work to Build a Respectful Co-parenting Relationship
It's normal to have feelings of anger and resentment towards an ex-spouse, especially if you feel they've received an unfair advantage in your custody arrangements. For the sake of your child's happiness and your chances of getting more visitation time, however, it's important to be cordial and respectful.
Aim to keep things upbeat and focused on the child you share. Be cooperative about things like drop-off times and avoid the urge to talk badly about your ex, especially on social media or in front of your kids. Your respectful behavior will impress the judge and may even warm your ex up to the idea of voluntarily offering you more visitation time.
Resolve Any Practical Obstacles
Sometimes one party is awarded less visitation time simply due to practical obstacles. For example, you may live too far from your child's school or simply not have enough space at your current home for your child. Ask your family law attorney if there are specific life changes you can make or practical obstacles you can work to remove in order to have a better chance of getting more visitation time.
By following these tips and hiring a great family law attorney, you will boost your chances of being awarded more time with your child. For more information, consider contacting an attorney like those at Ritter & LeClere APC Attorneys At Law.