Important Things You Need To Know About Divorce

Hi, my name is Mandy Vaughn and if you're considering the adoption of a child, you should first read my blog about adoption attorneys. When my husband and I was going to adopt a child, my friend recommended that we hire an adoption attorney to make sure the process went smoothly. Our attorney prepared the paperwork for the adoption, which really eased my mind. Our attorney was there with us through the entire adoption process and helped us in many ways. If you are going to adopt a child, you'll learn valuable information in my blog. Since I've been through the adoption process with an attorney on my side, I wanted to share my experience with others who are also adopting.

Important Things You Need To Know About Divorce

12 January 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Nobody ever gets married with the expectation that you will get a divorce. Everyone thinks that they will stay together forever, but what happens when the marriage goes sour? You need to be prepared and have a plan in place for a separation. Here is a list of things you need to know about divorce.

The Average Cost Of A Divorce Is $50,000

The average cost of a divorce is approximately $50,000 when you factor in all things like therapy, legal fees, moving costs, fees you pay when selling property and the cost of renting. The cheapest way that you can get a divorce is by doing an uncontested divorce where both parties agree to end the marriage without protesting. If you cannot come to an agreement on terms that would allow you to do a uncontested divorce then you should hire a professional attorney that specializes in divorce and will have you best interest in mind when he makes suggestions for what you should do in your divorce case.

Be Honest & Disclose Everything To Your Attorney

When you sit down with your lawyer to go over your case make sure that you tell him everything as it pertains to the case. When you go into court against your former spouse they will use everything that they can against you in order to gain an advantage. If you have a criminal history of domestic abuse or been charged with a drug offence you should be up front with your attorney so they can prepare for a rebuttal. The last thing you want to have happen is that your former spouse uses something against you in court that your lawyer wasn't prepared for or knew about.

Separate Your Money From Your Former Spouse

When you get divorced it is important to separate your finances from your former partner as soon as possible to avoid accumulating more debt. If you have joint accounts with your former spouse you will be responsible for half of any outstanding debts. If your accounts are still linked together then your former spouse could go out and spend money on credit cards or empty a bank account leaving you holding the bill. Make sure that you get a brand new bank account that you are the sole person with access to the account and that it is registered in only your name.

Following the tips outlined above can help you avoid disaster in a divorce. Sit down and work with your lawyer such as Kolker Law Offices PC one on one to come up with the best plan of action for your specific scenario.

About Me
The Benefits Of Hiring An Adoption Attorney

Hi, my name is Mandy Vaughn and if you're considering the adoption of a child, you should first read my blog about adoption attorneys. When my husband and I was going to adopt a child, my friend recommended that we hire an adoption attorney to make sure the process went smoothly. Our attorney prepared the paperwork for the adoption, which really eased my mind. Our attorney was there with us through the entire adoption process and helped us in many ways. If you are going to adopt a child, you'll learn valuable information in my blog. Since I've been through the adoption process with an attorney on my side, I wanted to share my experience with others who are also adopting.
